Interface WindowsMobileMSI


  • WindowsMobileMSI
    • WindowsMobileMSI


@odata.type: "#microsoft.graph.windowsMobileMSI"
assignments?: NullableOption<MobileAppAssignment[]>
categories?: NullableOption<MobileAppCategory[]>
commandLine?: NullableOption<string>
committedContentVersion?: NullableOption<string>
contentVersions?: NullableOption<MobileAppContent[]>
createdDateTime?: string
dependentAppCount?: number
description?: NullableOption<string>
developer?: NullableOption<string>
displayName?: NullableOption<string>
fileName?: NullableOption<string>
id?: string
identityVersion?: NullableOption<string>
ignoreVersionDetection?: boolean

A boolean to control whether the app's version will be used to detect the app after it is installed on a device. Set this to true for Windows Mobile MSI Line of Business (LoB) apps that use a self update feature.

informationUrl?: NullableOption<string>
isAssigned?: boolean
isFeatured?: boolean
largeIcon?: NullableOption<MimeContent>
lastModifiedDateTime?: string
notes?: NullableOption<string>
owner?: NullableOption<string>
privacyInformationUrl?: NullableOption<string>
productCode?: NullableOption<string>
productVersion?: NullableOption<string>
publisher?: NullableOption<string>
publishingState?: MobileAppPublishingState

The publishing state for the app. The app cannot be assigned unless the app is published. Possible values are: notPublished, processing, published.

relationships?: NullableOption<MobileAppRelationship[]>
roleScopeTagIds?: NullableOption<string[]>
size?: number
supersededAppCount?: number
supersedingAppCount?: number
uploadState?: number
useDeviceContext?: NullableOption<boolean>

Indicates whether to install a dual-mode MSI in the device context. If true, app will be installed for all users. If false, app will be installed per-user. If null, service will use the MSI package's default install context. In case of dual-mode MSI, this default will be per-user. Cannot be set for non-dual-mode apps. Cannot be changed after initial creation of the application.

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