Interface OfficeSuiteApp


  • OfficeSuiteApp
    • OfficeSuiteApp


@odata.type: "#microsoft.graph.officeSuiteApp"
assignments?: NullableOption<MobileAppAssignment[]>
autoAcceptEula?: boolean
categories?: NullableOption<MobileAppCategory[]>
createdDateTime?: string
dependentAppCount?: number
description?: NullableOption<string>
developer?: NullableOption<string>
displayName?: NullableOption<string>
excludedApps?: NullableOption<ExcludedApps>
id?: string
informationUrl?: NullableOption<string>
installProgressDisplayLevel?: OfficeSuiteInstallProgressDisplayLevel
isAssigned?: boolean
isFeatured?: boolean
largeIcon?: NullableOption<MimeContent>
lastModifiedDateTime?: string
localesToInstall?: NullableOption<string[]>

The property to represent the locales which are installed when the apps from Office365 is installed. It uses standard RFC 6033. Ref:

notes?: NullableOption<string>
officeConfigurationXml?: NullableOption<string>

The property to represent the XML configuration file that can be specified for Office ProPlus Apps. Takes precedence over all other properties. When present, the XML configuration file will be used to create the app.

officePlatformArchitecture?: WindowsArchitecture
officeSuiteAppDefaultFileFormat?: OfficeSuiteDefaultFileFormatType

The property to represent the Office365 default file format type. Possible values are: notConfigured, officeOpenXMLFormat, officeOpenDocumentFormat, unknownFutureValue.

owner?: NullableOption<string>
privacyInformationUrl?: NullableOption<string>
productIds?: OfficeProductId[]
publisher?: NullableOption<string>
publishingState?: MobileAppPublishingState

The publishing state for the app. The app cannot be assigned unless the app is published. Possible values are: notPublished, processing, published.

relationships?: NullableOption<MobileAppRelationship[]>
roleScopeTagIds?: NullableOption<string[]>
shouldUninstallOlderVersionsOfOffice?: boolean

The property to determine whether to uninstall existing Office MSI if an Office365 app suite is deployed to the device or not.

supersededAppCount?: number
supersedingAppCount?: number
targetVersion?: NullableOption<string>

The property to represent the specific target version for the Office365 app suite that should be remained deployed on the devices.

updateChannel?: OfficeUpdateChannel

The property to represent the Office365 Update Channel. Possible values are: none, current, deferred, firstReleaseCurrent, firstReleaseDeferred, monthlyEnterprise.

updateVersion?: NullableOption<string>

The property to represent the update version in which the specific target version is available for the Office365 app suite.

uploadState?: number
useSharedComputerActivation?: boolean

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