Interface ManagedDevice


  • Entity
    • ManagedDevice


aadRegistered? activationLockBypassCode? androidSecurityPatchLevel? assignmentFilterEvaluationStatusDetails? autopilotEnrolled? azureADDeviceId? azureADRegistered? azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId? bootstrapTokenEscrowed? chassisType? chromeOSDeviceInfo? cloudPcRemoteActionResults? complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime? complianceState? configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures? configurationManagerClientHealthState? configurationManagerClientInformation? detectedApps? deviceActionResults? deviceCategory? deviceCategoryDisplayName? deviceCompliancePolicyStates? deviceConfigurationStates? deviceEnrollmentType? deviceFirmwareConfigurationInterfaceManaged? deviceHealthAttestationState? deviceHealthScriptStates? deviceName? deviceRegistrationState? deviceType? easActivated? easActivationDateTime? easDeviceId? emailAddress? enrolledDateTime? enrollmentProfileName? ethernetMacAddress? exchangeAccessState? exchangeAccessStateReason? exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime? freeStorageSpaceInBytes? hardwareInformation? iccid? id? imei? isEncrypted? isSupervised? jailBroken? joinType? lastSyncDateTime? logCollectionRequests? lostModeState? managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationStates? managedDeviceName? managedDeviceOwnerType? managementAgent? managementCertificateExpirationDate? managementFeatures? managementState? manufacturer? meid? model? notes? operatingSystem? osVersion? ownerType? partnerReportedThreatState? phoneNumber? physicalMemoryInBytes? preferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime? processorArchitecture? remoteAssistanceSessionErrorDetails? remoteAssistanceSessionUrl? requireUserEnrollmentApproval? retireAfterDateTime? roleScopeTagIds? securityBaselineStates? serialNumber? skuFamily? skuNumber? specificationVersion? subscriberCarrier? totalStorageSpaceInBytes? udid? userDisplayName? userId? userPrincipalName? users? usersLoggedOn? wiFiMacAddress? windowsActiveMalwareCount? windowsProtectionState? windowsRemediatedMalwareCount?


aadRegistered?: NullableOption<boolean>
activationLockBypassCode?: NullableOption<string>

The code that allows the Activation Lock on managed device to be bypassed. Default, is Null (Non-Default property) for this property when returned as part of managedDevice entity in LIST call. To retrieve actual values GET call needs to be made, with device id and included in select parameter. Supports: $select. $Search is not supported. Read-only. This property is read-only.

androidSecurityPatchLevel?: NullableOption<string>
assignmentFilterEvaluationStatusDetails?: NullableOption<AssignmentFilterEvaluationStatusDetails[]>
autopilotEnrolled?: boolean
azureADDeviceId?: NullableOption<string>
azureADRegistered?: NullableOption<boolean>
azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId?: NullableOption<string>
bootstrapTokenEscrowed?: boolean

Reports if the managed device has an escrowed Bootstrap Token. This is only for macOS devices. To get, include BootstrapTokenEscrowed in the select clause and query with a device id. If FALSE, no bootstrap token is escrowed. If TRUE, the device has escrowed a bootstrap token with Intune. This property is read-only.

chassisType?: ChassisType

Chassis type of the device. This property is read-only. Possible values are: unknown, desktop, laptop, worksWorkstation, enterpriseServer, phone, tablet, mobileOther, mobileUnknown.

chromeOSDeviceInfo?: NullableOption<ChromeOSDeviceProperty[]>

List of properties of the ChromeOS Device. Default is an empty list. To retrieve actual values GET call needs to be made, with device id and included in select parameter.

cloudPcRemoteActionResults?: NullableOption<CloudPcRemoteActionResult[]>
complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime?: string
complianceState?: ComplianceState

Compliance state of the device. Examples: Compliant, Conflict, Error, etc. Default is unknown. Supports $filter operator 'eq' and 'or'. This property is read-only. Possible values are: unknown, compliant, noncompliant, conflict, error, inGracePeriod, configManager.

configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures?: NullableOption<ConfigurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures>
configurationManagerClientHealthState?: NullableOption<ConfigurationManagerClientHealthState>
configurationManagerClientInformation?: NullableOption<ConfigurationManagerClientInformation>

Configuration manager client information, valid only for devices managed, duel-managed or tri-managed by ConfigMgr Agent

detectedApps?: NullableOption<DetectedApp[]>
deviceActionResults?: NullableOption<DeviceActionResult[]>
deviceCategory?: NullableOption<DeviceCategory>
deviceCategoryDisplayName?: NullableOption<string>

Device category display name. Default is an empty string. Supports $filter operator 'eq' and 'or'. This property is read-only.

deviceCompliancePolicyStates?: NullableOption<DeviceCompliancePolicyState[]>
deviceConfigurationStates?: NullableOption<DeviceConfigurationState[]>
deviceEnrollmentType?: DeviceEnrollmentType

Enrollment type of the device. This property is read-only. Possible values are: unknown, userEnrollment, deviceEnrollmentManager, appleBulkWithUser, appleBulkWithoutUser, windowsAzureADJoin, windowsBulkUserless, windowsAutoEnrollment, windowsBulkAzureDomainJoin, windowsCoManagement, windowsAzureADJoinUsingDeviceAuth, appleUserEnrollment, appleUserEnrollmentWithServiceAccount, azureAdJoinUsingAzureVmExtension, androidEnterpriseDedicatedDevice, androidEnterpriseFullyManaged, androidEnterpriseCorporateWorkProfile.

deviceFirmwareConfigurationInterfaceManaged?: boolean

Indicates whether the device is DFCI managed. When TRUE the device is DFCI managed. When FALSE, the device is not DFCI managed. The default value is FALSE.

deviceHealthAttestationState?: NullableOption<DeviceHealthAttestationState>
deviceHealthScriptStates?: NullableOption<DeviceHealthScriptPolicyState[]>
deviceName?: NullableOption<string>
deviceRegistrationState?: DeviceRegistrationState

Device registration state. This property is read-only. Possible values are: notRegistered, registered, revoked, keyConflict, approvalPending, certificateReset, notRegisteredPendingEnrollment, unknown.

deviceType?: DeviceType

Platform of the device. Examples: Desktop, WindowsRT, etc. Default is unknown. Supports $filter operator 'eq' and 'or'. This property is read-only. Possible values are: desktop, windowsRT, winMO6, nokia, windowsPhone, mac, winCE, winEmbedded, iPhone, iPad, iPod, android, iSocConsumer, unix, macMDM, holoLens, surfaceHub, androidForWork, androidEnterprise, windows10x, androidnGMS, chromeOS, linux, blackberry, palm, unknown, cloudPC.

easActivated?: boolean
easActivationDateTime?: string
easDeviceId?: NullableOption<string>
emailAddress?: NullableOption<string>
enrolledDateTime?: string
enrollmentProfileName?: NullableOption<string>

Name of the enrollment profile assigned to the device. Default value is empty string, indicating no enrollment profile was assgined. This property is read-only.

ethernetMacAddress?: NullableOption<string>

Indicates Ethernet MAC Address of the device. Default, is Null (Non-Default property) for this property when returned as part of managedDevice entity. Individual get call with select query options is needed to retrieve actual values. Example: deviceManagement/managedDevices({managedDeviceId})?$select=ethernetMacAddress Supports: $select. $Search is not supported. Read-only. This property is read-only.

exchangeAccessState?: DeviceManagementExchangeAccessState

The Access State of the device in Exchange. This property is read-only. Possible values are: none, unknown, allowed, blocked, quarantined.

exchangeAccessStateReason?: DeviceManagementExchangeAccessStateReason

The reason for the device's access state in Exchange. This property is read-only. Possible values are: none, unknown, exchangeGlobalRule, exchangeIndividualRule, exchangeDeviceRule, exchangeUpgrade, exchangeMailboxPolicy, other, compliant, notCompliant, notEnrolled, unknownLocation, mfaRequired, azureADBlockDueToAccessPolicy, compromisedPassword, deviceNotKnownWithManagedApp.

exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime?: string
freeStorageSpaceInBytes?: number
hardwareInformation?: NullableOption<HardwareInformation>

The hardward details for the device. Includes information such as storage space, manufacturer, serial number, etc. By default most property of this type are set to null/0/false and enum defaults for associated types. To retrieve actual values GET call needs to be made, with device id and included in select parameter. Supports: $select. $Search is not supported. Read-only. This property is read-only.

iccid?: NullableOption<string>

Integrated Circuit Card Identifier, it is A SIM card's unique identification number. Default is an empty string. To retrieve actual values GET call needs to be made, with device id and included in select parameter. Supports: $select. $Search is not supported. Read-only. This property is read-only.

id?: string
imei?: NullableOption<string>
isEncrypted?: boolean
isSupervised?: boolean
jailBroken?: NullableOption<string>

Whether the device is jail broken or rooted. Default is an empty string. Supports $filter operator 'eq' and 'or'. This property is read-only.

joinType?: JoinType
lastSyncDateTime?: string

The date and time that the device last completed a successful sync with Intune. Supports $filter operator 'lt' and 'gt'. This property is read-only.

logCollectionRequests?: NullableOption<DeviceLogCollectionResponse[]>
lostModeState?: LostModeState
managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationStates?: NullableOption<ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationState[]>
managedDeviceName?: NullableOption<string>
managedDeviceOwnerType?: ManagedDeviceOwnerType
managementAgent?: ManagementAgentType

Management channel of the device. Examples: Intune, EAS, etc. Default is unknown. Supports $filter operator 'eq' and 'or'. This property is read-only. Possible values are: eas, mdm, easMdm, intuneClient, easIntuneClient, configurationManagerClient, configurationManagerClientMdm, configurationManagerClientMdmEas, unknown, jamf, googleCloudDevicePolicyController, microsoft365ManagedMdm, msSense, intuneAosp.

managementCertificateExpirationDate?: string
managementFeatures?: ManagedDeviceManagementFeatures
managementState?: ManagementState

Management state of the device. Examples: Managed, RetirePending, etc. Default is managed. Supports $filter operator 'eq' and 'or'. This property is read-only. Possible values are: managed, retirePending, retireFailed, wipePending, wipeFailed, unhealthy, deletePending, retireIssued, wipeIssued, wipeCanceled, retireCanceled, discovered.

manufacturer?: NullableOption<string>
meid?: NullableOption<string>
model?: NullableOption<string>
notes?: NullableOption<string>

Notes on the device created by IT Admin. Default is null. To retrieve actual values GET call needs to be made, with device id and included in select parameter. Supports: $select. $Search is not supported.

operatingSystem?: NullableOption<string>
osVersion?: NullableOption<string>
ownerType?: OwnerType

Ownership of the device. Possible values are, 'company' or 'personal'. Default is unknown. Supports $filter operator 'eq' and 'or'. Possible values are: unknown, company, personal.

partnerReportedThreatState?: ManagedDevicePartnerReportedHealthState

Indicates the threat state of a device when a Mobile Threat Defense partner is in use by the account and device. Read Only. This property is read-only. Possible values are: unknown, activated, deactivated, secured, lowSeverity, mediumSeverity, highSeverity, unresponsive, compromised, misconfigured.

phoneNumber?: NullableOption<string>
physicalMemoryInBytes?: number

Total Memory in Bytes. Default is 0. To retrieve actual values GET call needs to be made, with device id and included in select parameter. Supports: $select. Read-only. This property is read-only.

preferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime?: string

Reports the DateTime the preferMdmOverGroupPolicy setting was set. When set, the Intune MDM settings will override Group Policy settings if there is a conflict. Read Only. This property is read-only.

processorArchitecture?: ManagedDeviceArchitecture
remoteAssistanceSessionErrorDetails?: NullableOption<string>
remoteAssistanceSessionUrl?: NullableOption<string>

Url that allows a Remote Assistance session to be established with the device. Default is an empty string. To retrieve actual values GET call needs to be made, with device id and included in select parameter. This property is read-only.

requireUserEnrollmentApproval?: NullableOption<boolean>
retireAfterDateTime?: string
roleScopeTagIds?: NullableOption<string[]>
securityBaselineStates?: NullableOption<SecurityBaselineState[]>
serialNumber?: NullableOption<string>
skuFamily?: NullableOption<string>
skuNumber?: number

Device sku number, see also: Valid values 0 to 2147483647. This property is read-only.

specificationVersion?: NullableOption<string>
subscriberCarrier?: NullableOption<string>
totalStorageSpaceInBytes?: number
udid?: NullableOption<string>

Unique Device Identifier for iOS and macOS devices. Default is an empty string. To retrieve actual values GET call needs to be made, with device id and included in select parameter. Supports: $select. $Search is not supported. Read-only. This property is read-only.

userDisplayName?: NullableOption<string>
userId?: NullableOption<string>
userPrincipalName?: NullableOption<string>
users?: NullableOption<User[]>
usersLoggedOn?: NullableOption<LoggedOnUser[]>
wiFiMacAddress?: NullableOption<string>
windowsActiveMalwareCount?: number

Count of active malware for this windows device. Default is 0. To retrieve actual values GET call needs to be made, with device id and included in select parameter. This property is read-only.

windowsProtectionState?: NullableOption<WindowsProtectionState>
windowsRemediatedMalwareCount?: number

Count of remediated malware for this windows device. Default is 0. To retrieve actual values GET call needs to be made, with device id and included in select parameter. This property is read-only.

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