Interface MacOSLobApp


  • MacOSLobApp
    • MacOSLobApp


@odata.type: "#microsoft.graph.macOSLobApp"
assignments?: NullableOption<MobileAppAssignment[]>
buildNumber?: NullableOption<string>
bundleId?: NullableOption<string>
categories?: NullableOption<MobileAppCategory[]>
childApps?: NullableOption<MacOSLobChildApp[]>
committedContentVersion?: NullableOption<string>
contentVersions?: NullableOption<MobileAppContent[]>
createdDateTime?: string
dependentAppCount?: number
description?: NullableOption<string>
developer?: NullableOption<string>
displayName?: NullableOption<string>
fileName?: NullableOption<string>
id?: string
ignoreVersionDetection?: boolean

When TRUE, indicates that the app's version will NOT be used to detect if the app is installed on a device. When FALSE, indicates that the app's version will be used to detect if the app is installed on a device. Set this to true for apps that use a self update feature.

informationUrl?: NullableOption<string>
installAsManaged?: boolean

When TRUE, indicates that the app will be installed as managed (requires macOS 11.0 and other managed package restrictions). When FALSE, indicates that the app will be installed as unmanaged.

isAssigned?: boolean
isFeatured?: boolean
largeIcon?: NullableOption<MimeContent>
lastModifiedDateTime?: string
md5Hash?: NullableOption<string[]>

The MD5 hash codes. This is empty if the package was uploaded directly. If the Intune App Wrapping Tool is used to create a .intunemac, this value can be found inside the Detection.xml file.

md5HashChunkSize?: number

The chunk size for MD5 hash. This is '0' or empty if the package was uploaded directly. If the Intune App Wrapping Tool is used to create a .intunemac, this value can be found inside the Detection.xml file.

minimumSupportedOperatingSystem?: NullableOption<MacOSMinimumOperatingSystem>
notes?: NullableOption<string>
owner?: NullableOption<string>
privacyInformationUrl?: NullableOption<string>
publisher?: NullableOption<string>
publishingState?: MobileAppPublishingState

The publishing state for the app. The app cannot be assigned unless the app is published. Possible values are: notPublished, processing, published.

relationships?: NullableOption<MobileAppRelationship[]>
roleScopeTagIds?: NullableOption<string[]>
size?: number
supersededAppCount?: number
supersedingAppCount?: number
uploadState?: number
versionNumber?: NullableOption<string>

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